Patience, discretion, dignity

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Across the Country or Around the Block — “Long Distance” Caregiving in the Age of COVID-19

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For years now, long distance caregiving has been a growing trend as more and more seniors choose to retain their independent lives while adult family members move away in pursuit of careers and relationships.

In the age of COVID-19 that trend has become a spike. Now any distance between seniors and their loved ones, whether across the country or around the block, qualifies as a long distance. The word “distance” is even included in the common phrase that describes how we are supposed to live today — socially distant from one another.

Many families are now dealing with the challenges faced by the previous generations of long distance caregivers. Everything from coordinating services to ensuring safety is more difficult when you can’t physically be there, and providing companionship from a distance is the most difficult thing of all.

Luckily, we have the wisdom and experience of those previous generations to call on now that we are all facing the same long distance care issues. We all know about video chat apps by now, but did you know that remote-controlled smart home devices and biosensors are also available to ordinary consumers? And while you’re setting up automatic bill payment systems for your senior loved ones, have you also remembered to ensure access to their medical records? We’ve included a link below to a PDF pamphlet that’s packed with tips like these so you can create your own distance care strategies — and provide yourself and your loved ones with necessary peace of mind.

Please download and read the pamphlet, and also remember that when you can’t be there in person sometimes the best solution is to find someone you trust who can. The compassionate caregivers at Overture are always just a phone call away. Please contact us 24/7 for a free home care consultation: (817) 887-9401.

Additional resources: ClearCare - Long Distance Care for Seniors and Their Families